
Our fist sickness

So, here it is. The first time one of the twins is sick. Ugh.

A week ago Parker got a little snotty but things weren't too bad and nothing was a bad color. Then by Monday afternoon, it was turning that terrible green when you know something is wrong. Luckily, we already had an appointment with the pediatrician scheduled for Tuesday morning for a weight check.

He was having a little problem with his O2 sats, was very congested, pulling a little when breathing and had fluid in his ears. Yep - sinus infection and ear infection. Then we were sent from the office to Children's Hospital for blood work and chest x-rays just to be on the safe side. I appreciate the doc wanting to be certain but that isn't a fun way to spend the afternoon.

His blood work was normal, chest x-rays are clear, although there is a clear agrivation of his CLD. Over night Tuesday he had more pulling when breathing and was working pretty hard. That is not how I want him burning off his calories! So back to the doc on Wednesday morning. We are now the proud owners of a nebulizer. He does ok with the breathing treatments but he HATES the antibiotic.

It's been a few days and things are better. First illness down. Mission accomplished.

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