
Come on Spring!

Seriously...I'm counting every minute that ticks by until we can get outside! ONE WEEK! And I will settle for it being Friday when it's supposed to be 60 degrees! So we've been trying to stay busy and keep occupied around here lately. (Warning...this post will be a little Payton heavy since Parker has been not so fond of having his picture taken lately and I can't get much more than a blur.)

One snow day we made cupcakes just as our street was finally getting cleared out. Yes, I let them take a little out of the bowl after we scooped the rest out for the actual cupcakes.
 Payton has been practicing the fine art of dress-up.
 Doesn't every fairy ride their red motorcycle around?
 We got crafty and made an Easter wreath for our front door.
 They helped me make a treat for when we had company coming over...apple nachos (aka...apple slices drizzled with caramel and chocolate. YUM!)
 Practiced her posing.
 Parker was super excited to get to leave the house for the morning with Aunt Bo and Uncle Dave for a morning of fun. They got to go sledding for the first time, stop and have hot chocolate with Dave's parents and hang out for a little while before going out for lunch.

 Payton has not been into letting anyone do anything to her hair for month. But she let us try braiding her hair after a bath. So much hair for such a little thing.
 Posing...but we have to work on the wrinkled up nose thing she does all the time.
 We got a visit from Emelia and Victoria. Payton loves her and wanted to hold her. Emelia is only 4 months old, so in the next 6 months, she'll probably be as big as Payton. I don't know why she had to wear the bee costume. But it does add something :)
 Working on her dress-up some more. Channeling her inner Olivia Newton John or Madonna circa 1984. Either way, she is a crack up!

We have some plans this weekend...stay tuned!

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