
The stairs

"Huh, I wonder what's down there?"
"I know. Wanna go with me?"


"Follow me! I know how to get there. They're at the end of this hall."

"See you just turn the corner and here's all these steps that go upstairs."

"Come on!"

"Keep coming. Do it just like this."

 "Ok, I'm coming. I can do it."

 "Ta-da! We made it upstairs. Did you know the puppy's water bowl is in the kitchen around the corner?"

"You mean over here?"


Pig out

Payton has recently decided that all she wants to do is snack. She doesn't want to eat for me at home. Really? Can you please just eat a little bit of something? But no - she's set in her ways and decided that unless it's her snacks or yogurt, she's not having it.

Parker on the other hand is ready to graduate. He's not going to mess around with old pesky baby food unless he has to. No - he wants the really thing. In the past week or so he has had this -
lo mien
garlic bread
tortilla with guacamole
tortilla with cheese
grilled cheese
tomato soup
BBQ chips
beef stroganoff

He also drinking out of an open cup with help. Forget about bottles or sippy cups. By the time the holiday books come back around, I might need some extra food at this rate.


Parker and Payton really lvoe each other. They notice if the other one isn't there and they don't like it at all! They wrestle, steal toys from each other, Parker chases Payton and tries to bite her while she squeals, Payton crawls over him and sticks her hand in his face and he thinks it's funny.

Papa Ed and Nana visited this weekend for a while. Ed made a very good observation - "they really do compliment each other". One is louder, one is more mobile, one is more thoughtful, one thinks about things pretty intently, one is just on a mission and there's no stopping. As their personalities come out more and more, it's nice to see that they are complimenting each other and clashing.


The giggles

So this weekend, the babies are hanging out in the chairs, eating dinner. Chris started grabbing an empty bottle or box and banging them on his head. Parker thought it was hysterically funny. Payton thought it was funny but was very interested in keeping an eye on me with the camera (little miss nosey). :)


Parker's Anniversary

This week is a big week for Parker. One year ago today, I met with the surgeons early in the morning to discuss Parker's plan. There wasn't much holding him in the NICU anymore and they were looking at what it would take to get him to go home.

One year tomorrow, we were at the med center at the crack of dawn to be with him as he had his fundo and g-button done. On Saturday, it will be one year since he has come home. He's come a really long way in that year. We've gotten rid of his monitor, had another procedure done, learned to crawl, figured out he loves his sister, he loves his Aunt Bo and he can flirt with the best of them. Playing peek is his absolute FAVORITE game and he LOVES to be scared (I see rollercoasters in his future).

Congrats Big Man on the past year! We're so glad you're home!


Cabin Fever

That's right - we have a major case of cabin fever. It's been a long winter already. An ER trip, colds, tummy bugs, a few days in the hospital, lots of medicine...and we're ready for something new! We stay away from large crowds and lots of little kids, especially if we don't know where they've been hanging out because the twins are really susptible to pretty much anything. I think the last two weeks of snow, ice and cold just sealed the deal. We're tired of it!

We want it to be past RSV and flu season. We want to go to the zoo. We want to go to the children's museum. We want to go walking and jogging. We want to have play dates with the cousins, Ava & Sidney, Asa, Faith and lots more people. The next couple days it's going to start warming up and we are soooo ready for it.

The kiddos are tired of looking at mom. Come on spring!

(this is a snow day at our house)