
The battle of phlegm

We have been having a serious battle of phlegm for the past 8 weeks at our house. In the middle of summer. I can't wait to see what winter brings. The kiddos have both run fevers a couple times. I had to go get Parker from respite care one day after he'd been there for 30 minutes because his fever was too high to stay. They both have had green stuff coming out noses and fluid in ears. We've been at the pediatrician's office about every week since all this started. You don't want to know what my pharmacy bill had been, but they now know exactly who I am when I go to pick up the latest  hope for a cure. We've added steroids to our arsenal. Nothing is working.

The ENT said that infants are more apt to have fluid build up in their ears because of anatomical reasons, and preemie have extra circumstances that can cause it. Great...two strikes against us. Since Parker is just having the roughest time, we are working to get him scheduled to have tubes in his ears, his adnoids out, and a scope done of his airway and voicebox. The ENT wanted to do that before he was discharged from the hospital but didn't. He's going to take the opportunity of Parker being under anesthesia to to it. Because he is so much more fragile than other kids that have this done, the initial plan is to have him stay the night.

If I have to see him on a vent after surgery, I don't know how I will handle that. It was hard enough after he had surgery in February, but now being this far out...I'm not sure. Nothing like a little PTSD to trip you up every once in a while.

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