
Baby Christmas Trees

Grandma and Aunt Abby (or Aunt Bo as she likes to be called) decorated two little trees a couple weeks ago with baby stuff, not Christmas, and took them to each of the babies. Yesterday they came to the hospitals to decorate them for Christmas since Thanksgiving was over.

Parker has a sock monkey tree and Payton has a fairie tree. They are so cute and definately the cutest ones in either NICU. I hope they don't expect presents under them ;)



Ms. Payton - Payton has had a big week. On Sunday, she was extubated. YEAH! She had a si-pap on for a few days over her nose. She tolerated it really well. As of yesterday she's gotten rid of that and is now on to a little nasal cannula (the little things that stick up your nose). I was worried she would tear it off but she's done pretty well with it so far. She's up to full feeds, her milk has been fortified twice and has had the extra protein added to it. Now time for the little girl to grow.

Mr. Parker - While the little guy isn't having any problems growing, he's having a harder time getting off the vent. Last night he started a course of steroids to hopefully help. His cellulitis and staph are under control so last night was the last of antibiotics for him. He's on full feeds and has his milk fortified twice and has had the extra protein added to it also. Now he just needs to work the steroids.


Tallying it up

In the past few week this is some of what we've gone through with the kiddos.

Headultrasounds - 3 for each at this point. No signs of any brain bleeds for either

Echocardiogram - to check for PDA's in their hearts. Neither one have it.

Transfusions - I think at this point they are both up to having had 7 each.

Eye Exams - Payton had hers Monday, Parker had his yesterday. So far, nothing unusual with the retinas. Just premature. They will be checked again in 2 weeks. (Don't bring it up if you see the little guys though, it was a rough experience for both of them).

Bilirubin Lights - Both had to use them. Payton was under 2 different ones at one point. They were both on them for over a week.

Picc lines - both of them had one. Payton in her arm, Parker in his leg.

Abdomen drains - for Parker following his perforated bowel.

Cellulitis - Parker had this in the area where his drain was after removal. We're almost done with the anitbiotics for it.

Staph Infections - both of them had this little joy.

We also know all about oxygen sats, respiration rate, heart rate and what is normal for them at this point.

Anyone needing a study partner to work on the neonatal classes in medical school, give us a call.



Latest and Greatest

Here are the latest pics of the kiddos taken Wednesday night. They are starting to "chunk" out for as much as the little ones can. The pictures are kind of decieving - they look big until you look at the picture of me holding them. It's all perspective. (The first 3 pictures are Parker, the last 3 are Payton).
We had a bit of a rough evening yesterday and a little bumpy today. Here's hopes that it will be a quiet, uneventful weekend.


Operation...Chow Time

The goal lately at both hospitals has been to get the babies to eat more. They both have ng tubes and are getting their milk that way - no bottles yet. They are on a continuous feeding. They get the same amount all the time, every hour. For the past week or so they have been getting bumped up on the amount of food every twelve hours.

Today, they are both about as high as they can get for their size right now - a whopping 7 milliliters per hour. That's about 1.5 teaspoons. That amount will increase as they grow. But right now that's a lot for the little turkeys. Since they have maxed out on their food amounts they are off of their fluid nutrition (or "TPN - total prenatal nutrition" in NICU terms) since they don't need all the extra fluid going in on them. Their food now is strictly breast milk. No formula. It's better for them, their immunity, and avoids possible complications of allergies and such. We are all about having no complications. Eventually their picc lines will come out in a few days is all goes well with these feedings. Chris and I have every part we can crossed.

And even though its not that much food in the grand scheme of things, that's a little bit of pressure - making enough food for both of them. Good thing the freezer we have is full of food for them too.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday Payton and Parker

Happy Birthday to you

1 month old today :)


Our first Halloween

We made it through our first holiday. Not exactly how we would have preferred to spend it with them but all in all it was a good day so we'll take it. In the afternoon, Chris got to hold Parker for the first time.

In the evening, I did my usual rounds to check on them. The nurses had given Parker another hat that was orange and yellow like a candy corn and some Halloween socks. He couldn't wear them but we have them for later. The nurses at Bergan even sent over a little rubber duck that was looks like dracula for him because Payton got a witch one.

Bergan's NICU goes all out for Halloween. They were McGregor's garden (like from Peter Rabbit). The nurse practioners dressed up in overalls and pigtails. A few nurses were bunnies. And they put the babies in vegetable outfits. Payton was a carrot. It was a big orange sack that looked like a carrot and she had a little green hat that went on with it. Soooooo cute.

Parker and Daddy

On Saturday, we spent a chunk of the afternoon at UNMC with Parker. It was time for dad to get to hold one of them for the first time. Parker did really well with it, he snuggled down right on dad's chest. They talked and sang in the recliner for a couple hours. (They are a little dark because he doesn't like bright lights so his room stays dark)