
Operation...Chow Time

The goal lately at both hospitals has been to get the babies to eat more. They both have ng tubes and are getting their milk that way - no bottles yet. They are on a continuous feeding. They get the same amount all the time, every hour. For the past week or so they have been getting bumped up on the amount of food every twelve hours.

Today, they are both about as high as they can get for their size right now - a whopping 7 milliliters per hour. That's about 1.5 teaspoons. That amount will increase as they grow. But right now that's a lot for the little turkeys. Since they have maxed out on their food amounts they are off of their fluid nutrition (or "TPN - total prenatal nutrition" in NICU terms) since they don't need all the extra fluid going in on them. Their food now is strictly breast milk. No formula. It's better for them, their immunity, and avoids possible complications of allergies and such. We are all about having no complications. Eventually their picc lines will come out in a few days is all goes well with these feedings. Chris and I have every part we can crossed.

And even though its not that much food in the grand scheme of things, that's a little bit of pressure - making enough food for both of them. Good thing the freezer we have is full of food for them too.

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