
Special prayer

Tonight I prayed...

I prayed for Leanne (another preemie mommy)
I prayed for her little sweet man, Oscar

He was born at just under 26 weeks at 1lb 9 oz. 

Oscar was one of the biggest little fighters
His mommy is a fighter too

Today, after 4 months of fighting, he couldn't fight any more
While his mommy was holding him, Oscar went home

I'm so glad that while he was here, Oscar had such a wonderful mommy

I prayed tonight for whatever comfort Leanne might need be given to her, for her to be reminded of what a terrific mommy she is
I prayed tonight for Oscar. I prayed for him to be able to rest and not have to fight anymore. I prayed for the little angel I have to find him and keep him company and show him the ropes until, someday, his mommy is with him again. 

Oscar, you are a brave little man.


Our first swim

I went all out to get the babies a pool to splash in at the house when it's hot. After much debate I settled on a little inflatable pool I found at Target. Yesterday was over 90 degrees here. Don't ask about the humidity or heat indexes - we don't like to talk about it. It was sticky and muggy and gross. So Aunt Bo came over and we splashed for a while. Payton isn't sure why she can't lay down in the pool like she does inside. But Parker figured out how to bounce his hands and make the water splash.


Relay for Life

We did Relay for Life on Saturday. It was a little hot and sticky but could have been much worse. And more importantly - it didn't rain! It was a much needed break after a week with 4 appointments in 3 days and trying to get over the kids ear infections and sinus infections. No one wants to deal with snot for 2+ weeks!
They did so good. They loved all the action, all the people. They were passed around between everyone and were fine with that. They loved it. We saw the real estate agent that sold us our house, mom's oncologist and one of our NICU nurses was set up right next to us. Very fun to show the babies off to her! :)

Us entering the track with the cool jogger

The babies talking with Aunt Cindi

The babies doing their laps with Aunt Bo and Aunt Kristin

I know - it's a terrible picture. Thanks Mom! And no, I'm not pregnant.

Payton hanging with Aunt Bo

Parker telling me all about how hot he is

Parker having some time with Aunt Kristin

This is Michael. He works with me (his mom is Aunt Cindi in the other pics). He is 17. He walked the track with Payton to attract girls and use her as a chic magnet.

Busy social calendar

Since its summer time and we're not on lockdown for a little while, the babies are increasing their social activities. We attended Hailey's birthday party and had a Memorial Day cookout. Then it was time to start gearing up for Relay for Life. The weekend before we helped at the 2nd Annual Christy Creme Dog Wash. Aunt Bo raised $140 for Relay there. The babies walked from our house to Christy Creme to meet everyone there.

Aunt Toni and Grandma with the babies

Parker was more interested in getting an ice cream or some french fries

Payton just wanted to take a nap on daddy