
Not for babies anymore

The twins are more and more getting away from being tiny babies. And we're slowly loosing our minds in the process. :) The past couple weeks they have really moved more towards..tttt.tttt.tttt...toddlers. They are now very engaged with each other. It is so fun to see them smile at each other, look for the other one, talk to each other.

Parker is crawling and chasing his sister. He's starting to stand up for himself a little more when she tries to bully him. He loves, LOVES, to play peak-a-boo around corners at home. Last night we discovered he had cut his first tooth! He's doing pretty good with eating, although the feeding tube isn't going anywhere anytime soon. And his new favortie thing to eat is Ritz crackers.

Payton has started taking a few steps by herself. She's also worked out another couple of teeth - giving her a total of 6. If you come to my house and see baby gates up all over, don't be surprised.

Our new favorite play time this week was full of boxes, pop bottles, empty formula cans and plastic cups all over the kitchen floor. It was awesome!

They are doing great and we've had a pretty quiet couple weeks for medical stuff (finally!). They're still in therapy, still get breathing treatments - but otherwise we've gotten to experience a small break. Unless they get sick, we don't have to go see any doctor until the first week in January.

Here's the latest and greatest - coming soon - getting ready for Christmas and our Christmas Party at school!

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