
What's new

There's been lots of little things going on around here and steps forward so we thought we'd share and some new pics as well.

*We finally eat puffs! You know those containers of little things that sort of melt in your mouth - we can finally eat them if you break them in half!
*Payton has graduated to only receiving one physical therapy appointment a week.
*We drink out of real cups! With a little help from mom, we can drink out of real cups. We haven't mastered sippy cups yet but we are doing pretty good with the real thing. We prefer water or milk in them. But since Parker can't have regular milk, he has almond milk.
*Payton's been officially given the ok to get off her oxygen from her hospital visit. The official diagnosis - pneumonia and bronchiolitis.
*Parker is cutting 4 more teeth all at the same time. That means the latest tally is - Parker=6, Payton=6. Dead even.
*Mom went shopping at Target with Aunt Bo. Which means we have little leather jackets to wear this spring :)
*Parker is getting his first haircut today. His bangs are so long they are hanging in his eyes so we are going to trim them up.
*Parker has become a pro at wearing his backpack with his pump and feeding bag around while he's eating. Good thing. When he's eating but wants to be busy, mom was getting tired of having to chase him down all the time.

Hope you all have a great week and stay warm!

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