
The ER - Payton edition

I got a call Monday that Payton had fever high enough she had to leave respite care. When I got there, they'd checked her lungs which sounded clear and her oxygen levels were good. So we went home. Tuesday she stayed home because her fever would not go away. It would leave for about an hour, then come back. I'm considering buying stock in infant Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

By Wednesday night, she was flaming hot and her breathing was weird but there were no wheezes or anything. She went to sleep and I thought she was cooling down and would hopefully be better in the morning. Hoping. Everytime she woke up and made any noise (which was about every hour) I tried to get her to drink something and she refused. Just before 4 when she did that, then started to throw up and was flaming hot it was time to cave in and go. We drove across town to Children's ER. Luckily, no one else was around and we were able to go right in. Blood draw, check for urinary tract infection and a chest x-ray, there it was - pneumonia. Again. We weren't exactly looking to add chronic pneumonia to our list or "stuff".

After IV fluids and antibiotics, the doctor agreed to let her come home with me instead of being admitted (although it took a little convincing). We just had to add one more med to the list of hers for a week or so.

If you have a spare thought for us we could use them. We are still hoping to make our big plans this weekend. Fingers crossed!

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