
Eye rolls and hoorays...

The past week has been full of eye rolls and a few hoorays from me here. It's not anyones fault or something anyone has done, it's just life.

The babies have been sick. We've seen the pediatrician 3 times in the past week (eye roll), and three sets of med changes from him (eye roll). Payton and I had an emergency room trip Friday night (eye roll). While there we had a few people who weren't listening (eye roll) and some that did(hooray). We ended up being admitted at 1:00 a.m. and spend 10 hours there (eye roll) before being released (hooray). I've been doing round the clock breathing treatments including setting my alarms for 2 a.m. to to oxygen sat checks and treatments (eye roll). Luckily at this point, they mostly sleep through those (hooray). And between oral steroids and breathing treatments round the clock with steroids in them, we are sleeping less than our normal not so great (eye roll). Ever seen a toddler who's exhausted, starving but refusing to eat and hopped up on steroids? It's not pretty.

But the this week started off a little better (hooray). We went for our first bite of Christy Creme ice cream Monday afternoon. While we were there, Payton had her first embarrassing moment. You know this song...

We sing a modified version "Shake Your Baby" during bath time when we're getting out of the tub and both babies do a little dance and shake off and get wrapped up in their towels. While we were sitting with our ice cream, Payton looks at me and really loudly says "shake a baby" and starts to giggle. The lady in the booth behind us turned around and glared at me. I've been waiting for CPS to show up at the house ever since. 

 And here's a little bath time fun for a mid-week smile. Happy Wednesday!

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