
The latest roundup

Just when I thought we were about to be totally discharged from Early Intervention, I called them back in. We're working with some people on a few behaviors with Parker, his extreme sensitivity to noises all of the sudden, him being almost over-the -top attached to me, and a few other things. We're working with several people with EI to see if we can come up with some ways to help him, and stop the issues from getting any worse.

Payton had a follow up with the ENT last week. She hasn't had too many illnesses, but we've had a few concerns with her. Her snoring has been getting increasingly worse and I've noticed some sleep apnea which I don't like at all. The ENT and I talked it over so she'll be going in for another procedure at the end of the month. She'll be having her tonsils and adenoids removed, possibly new tubes in both ears, and a bronchoscopy.

Some people had asked about their sleeping. No, they still don't sleep through the night. Parker does better than Payton but one of his meds makes him sleepy. Yes, we went to the fancy sleep doctor ast Boys Town, and while she was very nice and I liked working with her, she didn't really offer any advise that I hadn't already tried. So I will take a deep breath, nap when I can , and try to be patient with the sleep thing.

While the appointments seem to be slowing down a little, there's lots coming up this summer - they both have procedures in the next 2 months, dentist, pulmonology, etc.

On a side note, we did try out the Summer Arts Festival this past weekend. Unfortunately with the heat, and Payton insisted on being up for the day at 4 a.m. we didn't last too long. But we did play out side in the water, Payton helped Daddy do stuff with the Jeep, and we washed our trikes to have them ready to go. We also had a few hours of play time at Honor's house which was a huge hit.

They seem to be more and more excited whenever there's someone new around to paly with or talk to. They do get tired of always being with me...so if anyone wants to play or meet up somewhere let us know!

1 comment:

  1. My girls both went through super-attached phases. Today was the first time that my 15 month old has ever gone somewhere without me or her daddy and when she got back she was very whiney. She also sleeps a maximum of 4-5 hours in a row at night. Usually its more like 1-3 hours in a row.
    I know she's younger than your kids, but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I feel your pain...although you're dealing with much more than me with, what seems to be, incredible grace. I'll be praying for sleep and security...as well as health...for your little ones!
