
Farmer's Market

Yesterday evening after we took our baths (not so smart on my part, but they smelled good for everyone else) we went downtown to the Farmer's Market. I knew that they started doing one on Thursday evenings too, but had never checked it out yet. It was very nice. We took snacks, they goofed around and got some glances from people who don't know how squirrley they are really.

A family friend was singing down there so the babies got to see Bob playing guitar - "Mom, Bob Bob come to my house and sing?"

And Aunt Bunny was down there and they got to see her for a little while...which they LOVED. They have seriously not stopped talking about Aunt Bunny since (apparently I need to arrange some play time soon).

If you have some spare happy thoughts next week, we'd gladly take them...it's gonna be a long week. Parker has a physical on Monday, we have an afternoon of developmental and behavioral appointments Tuesday, and next Friday is Parker's latest upper scope and biopsies (#3 if anyone is counting).

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