
We're having a...

elf. (what were you thinking???) We have our very own elf on the shelf. Parker decided to name him Gary, after the guy in the newest Muppet movie. Gary the Elf. If you say that a few times and think about it, it will probably give you the giggles. Our elf is a little bigger because we're using one way of the stuffed elf's that are supposed to be so the kids can play with one. The real elf on the shelf is a lot smaller and the kids aren't supposed to touch him or he looses some of his magic. I just knew there was no real way to make sure they kept their hand off him. I thought this might be a little better. The rest of the story applies. They know he's talking to Santa and reporting in every night after we go to bed.

For only being around a few days, Gary has made quite the rounds already. I'm not real sure how much it's helping the behavior though. I keep hearing "I be nice", but with two 3 year olds that only last so long.
 Stay tuned for more Gary updates!

1 comment:

  1. Why does this remind me of the pictures you have of Olie from all over the country?

