These past few weeks have been PACKED with stuff. We've been all over the place. Here are our highlights (including a few triumphs).
Two of my all-time favorite art projects that came home from school. I can't get enough of them. Payton made sure to point out to me that her friend, Chris, has a really neat shadow outline because he has his trach on there too and so no one has a shadow outline like him. Love her.
Randomly dressing up like a bee...
Hitting the Labor Day parade where it is totally normal for storm troopers and princesses to be caught walking the streets. There was a little covering the ears for Parker, but nothing horrible. Alot of talking through the loud trucks but a total success.
Touch A Truck - one of our favorite things to do all year! Parker was wwaaayyyy more excited about it than Payton. But their names were written on a snow plow blade that will be cruising the city this winter.
It has been really, really, really, really, really hot here lately. Afternoons are pretty terrible, so the time to go out is in the morning. Last Sunday we cruised around town. They rode in the jogger and I was the manpower (which is why my face is bright red and theirs aren't). In what feels like 200% humidity and in already warm temps, that makes it a pretty good trip. 5.67 miles later, we were all still smiling so I'm guessing that means I can get them to go again with me.
Summer camps are over at school. This weeks topic is dinosaurs. They celebrated with a trip to the zoo for the dinosaur exhibit. All loaded up and ready to go! Payton was excited but Parker was a little nervous. Afterwards he told me "mom, I was bwave and I jus asked my teachers for help when it was jus a wittle bit scawwy."
Another week of over-the-top gorgeous sunrises.
And tonight of course as Payton is explaining that she wants a hot dog for dinner and I explained I didn't have hot dog buns, this is what happened. I had no idea this is where it was going to go...
Saturday there's a big surprise coming. Stay tuned. And Sunday afternoon we'll be doing to come! :)
Mighty Mavs
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