So I keep getting this hip pain. They just kinda ache. Or it kinda feels like growing pains. There have been a few nights where at bed time I have taken one of the bed pillows and put it under me to give me a little extra cushion.
Every night I usually have to get up and go to the bathroom at least once, sometimes twice. This usually comes on around 3:00 am like clockwork.
Our bed is currently covered by the normal blankets and bed pillows, my body pillow and one blanket for each of us (since it's been nice enough and we're both hot we've been sleeping on top of the normal comforter).
I promise there is a point to all these random little pieces of this story.
So in the middle of the night, when it's about 3:00 and I wake to go to the bathroom, the pillow is under my hips and I'm surrounded by other pillows and my body pillow and blankets, I get stuck. I look like a turtle stuck on its back. I rock from side to side trying to get up and off the bed. The first time this happened, I started giggling. It was one of those "if someone walked in the room right now and saw what I looked like and what I was doing I wonder what they would think" kind of things.