
Baby stuff

I spent the weekend working on the baby room. Got the dressers moved around. Vacuumed. Put the rocking chair in there. Dusted everything. When I told Kristin Friday night that was my plan for Saturday she laughed at me and said "ah, you're nesting".

We tried to put together the crib that was given to us but there is no way on earth that it's going to get put together without the instruction manual. And I don't think that's ever going to happen because I can't get a response from the company that makes it.

I tried to put the bassinet together. Chris did it while I was napping after I confirmed that I'm totally awful at that stuff and couldn't figure it out. The plan is for them to share a crib for now and they both aren't going to fit in the bassinet for very long. But I figured if for some reason they need to sleep apart or one gets sick or anything it would be ready. The sock monkeys are living in it right now.

The really hard part is keeping the few stuffed animals away from Linus who was visiting.

1 comment:

  1. We could never put our crib together either! LOL..when Ava came along we STILL had issues. And when it came time to take the side off and make it into her "big girl bed" we couldn't even get that done! haha! :) Give my babies a nice tummy pat from their Auntie!
