We finally had Parker's update after his last procedure. Here's the skinny-
His EOS wasn't taken care of by being on twice daily Prilosec. In fact, his counts of bad cells in his esophagus are actually getting higher. And now there's evidence of these cells in his stomach as well. Not the best news. This is not something that goes away or he will outgrow. You can treat it, but you can't cure it.
So we will continue on with the meds we're already on and add another twice daily one to the routine.We will go back in 4 months for another scope and another set of biopsies. So we carry on, and see if we can make it easier for the little man to eat.
Here's his mug shot from the weekend - covered in dirt, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. And not overly happy that mom's taking his picture.
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