
Check-up Time

Monday was our 2 1/2 year mark which meant a 2 1/2 year check-up with the doctor. Dr. W came in and was really proud of all the stuff they can now do and is thrilled with their progress. It was a good thing that we were there because as we sat their, Payton got a fever. All the way to 104. Yikes!

Parker went through  the routine first and was not happy. He's 24 pounds and 34.25". This puts him at just 3% for weight and 12% for height. We talked about his new diagnoses from the GI and Allergist. He said he'll jump in if we need him to, but he's going to sit back and let them take care of it since there's nothing much more he could add at this time. We also talked about changing things up because the little mans eczema is out of control right now.

When it was time to move on to Payton, who was besides herself because she didn't feel good, Parker went to hang out at the front desk. He sat with Cami, had a sucker, colored a little and flirted with everyone. This was a huge help because I had them by myself which is not easy or always fun, especially when they're sick.  Thanks ladies for your help!

Payton checks out ok. She's 29 pounds and 34.5". This puts her at 57% for weight and 24% for height. And especially cute now that she's all filled out. With her super high fever she wasn't breathing all the good and her and I went ot have a chest x-ray while we were there. Dr. W was getting a look to see if something might be brewing so we didnt' have to take a trip to the ER later. The radiologist even called Dr. W before we even left the office with his read on them. Awesome!

We spent the rest of Monday and Tuesday at home recouping from a bunch of flu symptoms. We're getting a little better all week long so I'm hoping it will be gone and done by the weekend so we can do some more outside play time.

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