Today, the twins had their last day Children's Respite Care Center. They have gone there for almost 5 years, every day. 5 years. They have in so many ways grown up there.
We shared our 1st birthday here...
We got loved on here...
We practiced standing here...
We learned about books here...
We started to love art here...
We played dress-up with friends here...
We played here...
We made first best friends here...
We were serious and goofy here...
We had our first field trip here...
We had special snacks here...
We had teddy bear picnics here...
We laughed and smiled here...
Dear CRCC,
You have played such a huge role in our lives. You were the answer to questions when they were so young and still so very tiny. You loved them, cheered them on and rooted for them - and did the exact same thing for me. You listened, helped, problem solved, and cared for them. You helped them learn to crawl, walk, talk and eat...and do so better than they ever were supposed to. They have excelled and you helped steer them.
You nursed them when they were so tiny, through so many procedures, hospital stays, ER visits, and new medicines and diagnoses and helped make them well again. And every time you helped heal them, you unknowingly helped heal me too.
You,all of you, are a sweet, caring, happy place for us and you will always be. I don't know how you being to thank someone or explain how grateful you are when they take such wonderful care of you and your children. All of you are like our family. Thank you will never be enough.
Until we come back to visit....
When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of love rushes in.
-Kristin Armstrong
-Kristin Armstrong