
Always eating

I eat all the time. When I get ready for work in the morning I pack like I'm going on a weekend hike. While I'm at work, I seem to eat a little something about every 1-2 hours - a banana, a peach, a muffin, lunch, yogurt, berries. Or anything else I can get my hands on.

While I don't have cravings for weird stuff or even certain things necessarily, when something sounds a little good and I finally eat it, it tastes like the best thing I've ever had. Yesterday it was Cheetos. :)

1 comment:

  1. The lower left drawer of my desk has a variety of munchies. I call it 'the pantry'. Fiber bars, Wheat thins, different kinds of 100 calories snacks. Amy comes in and will check out the latest offerings. And then will take her choice.

    There's no room for a little refrigerator in my office or I'd keep it full of fruit to share.

    Poor Amy, she's tired of eating I think.
