
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

The next week is going to get crazy as we prepare to move. And I started looking at my April calendar to see all the appointments that are already scheduled. Ugh. And then I realized...at the end of next week, the babies will be 6 months old.


Hard to believe that they're technically 6 months old. Also hard to believe that they are technically 2.5 month-olds. (Also hard to believe how I can keep all that straight).Somehow, standing here now it seems like that happened so fast. I'm not sure how - it has been the longest 6 months of my life I'm pretty sure.

They both are over 11 pounds. That's more than 5 times their birth weight. It's hard to look at them now and pick them up and remember holding them for the first time and it didn't even feel like there was anything in our hands. And that they could have then easily fit into the cup I'm currently drinking out of with no problems.

So looking forward to moving into our new house and playing in the yard and spending the summer outside with our little ones. The "big" ones whose weight is now in the double digits. :)

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