
Going, going, going...tired!

I started looking at our tally for the last couple weeks. Wow! I could almost do my own version of the 12 Days Of Christmas. It all included 3 baby sick days, 4 trips to the pharmacy for scripts, 1 ER trip, and appointments with pulmonology, NICU Follow-Up, the pediatrician, the dietician, an OT, our speech/feeding therapist and Early Intervention.

So this weekend, we're not doing any appointments, we're going to play! If you come looking and we're not at home, we might be at the park sitting on the squirrel statues.

Happy Memorial Day! Have a great weekend!!!


In case you missed it...

So in an hour and a half break in Payton's fever the other day, she turned into a total ham. Which of course meant I broke out the Flip camera. I promise this was in no way staged, they are just this goofy really.

Sick, busy, sick, busy

In between being sick lately, we've just been busy for the past 2 weeks. We're so happy that its been nice enough to get outside some though so let me know if anyone ever wants to go to the zoo, the park, or meet somewhere to play or just visit! :)


I want to get off the hampster wheel!

Last Monday was when I had Parker in the ER at 3 a.m. That led to a very long day at work immediately following. And a very tired kiddo from the trip with a sore thigh from the big steroid shot he got. Then the next 7 days went like this...

Wednesday I took Payton to pulmonary clinic for a follow-up where I was hoping to be discharged. Nope. Not happening. Because of her hospitalization over the winter we're on the hook for the same med routine with her for the next 12 MONTHS! That's right - if you had any doubt they have crappy lungs, there's your proof.

Thursday we had to take both kiddos to the NICU follow-up clinic for a 2 hour appointment. Yikes! They both had had enough by the end. I was able to bring up concerns. We did some testing and left with referrals for other appointments to make. When they got back to respite care when it was over, neither woke up coming out of the car, being put in the stroller or being pushed inside.

Friday, after a week of Payton being sick where a runny nose turned into a cough which turned into wheezing, I managed to beg my way in to the pediatrician in the afternoon before the weekend. I did not want to end up back in the ER. A little fluid in the ears, a viral something going on paired with those crappy lungs and you have a little girl having her oxygen sats checked every two hours by respite. She also spent the weekend mostly getting treatments every four hours. And he wants to see us back in a month to talk about the fluid in her ears and see if it's gone. If not, we'll talk tubes.

Saturday we stuck to our antibiotic for the ears, breathing treatments for both, and making a list of all the appointments to make on Monday. Sunday night was a little rough (Parker thought we should stay up and watch Dateline reruns) but this morning went ok. At least until I got a phone call a little after 10:00 - Parker has a fever and he's trying to throw up, Payton is throwing up. Three strikes.

If you have a few spare thoughts or prayers for us we could us them. It's spring and we're supposed to be done being sick (at least for a little while) and ease up on the appointments a little.


And then we went to the zoo

Saturday before Mother's Day we went to the zoo. We were there first thing in the morning right when it opened. I was wondering if the kiddos would fall asleep in their stroller, but they didn't and actually did really well. We were there for an hour and a half. Yes, there was a little bit of time that there were no babies in the very nice, comfy double jogging stroller, but that's ok. And we learned something new about the babies - Parker likes to watch the animals, Payton really likes to watch the people. (I know there's alot of pics, but I had to share).


The ER - Parker edition

Monday morning at 2:00 a.m. Parker got squirmy. I tried to get him to calm down and go back to sleep. He wouldn't do it and after a couple minutes I realized his breathing wasn't right. He was squeaking again like he did a long time ago and he sounded labored. We did both breathing treatments with no help. His oxygen sats were ok. I gave the breathing treatment meds a few minutes to work to see if they would give any relief, but there was none. So at 3:00 I threw some shorts on him, changed my shirt and drove to Children's. One good thing about going to the ER that late is that there isn't a long wait. The nurses took us back and checked all his numbers, while I did the readers digest version of his history so they knew who they were dealing with (he's a complex guy). When the doctor came in, he told us he could hear him breathing as soon as we came through the door. It was decided he has a viral infection that decided to settle in his throat, causing his stridor to come back. So a special breathing treatment and a big shot of steroids in the leg for the little man. We were out of the ER in time to come home and get ready from Mom to go to work and babies to go to respite care.

The Mother's Day That Was

Mother's Day has come and gone - and I'm totally glad its gone. For no known reason my eyes popped open at 6:00 (so much for sleeping in). The first baby was up 45 minutes later, and promptly went over to smack the other in the head and wake them up (so much for quiet). We ate breakfast, and Parker promptly smeared food into his hair (so much for taking a bath 12 hours before). I took a shower, but had to do it with an audience of two peaking at me around the shower curtain and screaming and crying the entire time. A little while later the toilet overflowed...all over the bathroom. I had to get Chris up then because I couldn't fix the toilet and block the duo from playing in it at the same time. During the only 30 minutes the babies slept all day, I had to scrub the bathroom down from the overflow incident (so much for a break). Chris went to work. Parker screamed his head off for no known reason all day long. And then just when I had dried my tears of frustration and things were looking around, I dropped a bunch of the leftovers from the dinner we made with Grandma, Aunt Bo and Uncle Dave and they went all over the floor. The babies didn't go to sleep until almost 10:00. While rocking in the recliner trying to get them to calm down, Parker continued to spin and spin on my lap, causing his feeding tube to keep coming unhooked and leaking formula all over the both of us and soaking us and the chair.

So thanks for stopping by Mother's Day. Don't hurry back.


Helping kids...one mustache at a time

Respite Care has a great opportunityto help them raise some funds. Remember, I love them all a ton for taking such good care of the dynamic duo. Check out the link and pass it on if you might know anyone that is willing to have a little fun :)
