Monday morning at 2:00 a.m. Parker got squirmy. I tried to get him to calm down and go back to sleep. He wouldn't do it and after a couple minutes I realized his breathing wasn't right. He was squeaking again like he did a long time ago and he sounded labored. We did both breathing treatments with no help. His oxygen sats were ok. I gave the breathing treatment meds a few minutes to work to see if they would give any relief, but there was none. So at 3:00 I threw some shorts on him, changed my shirt and drove to Children's. One good thing about going to the ER that late is that there isn't a long wait. The nurses took us back and checked all his numbers, while I did the readers digest version of his history so they knew who they were dealing with (he's a complex guy). When the doctor came in, he told us he could hear him breathing as soon as we came through the door. It was decided he has a viral infection that decided to settle in his throat, causing his stridor to come back. So a special breathing treatment and a big shot of steroids in the leg for the little man. We were out of the ER in time to come home and get ready from Mom to go to work and babies to go to respite care.
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