
And, we're back

The past week has been a little crazy here and thrown me out of sorts. Things are just as crazy but I'm the tiniest bit more put together. This is what the dynamic duo have been up to since our last check in.

We visited the botanical gardens. They were very confused by the big statues from the Japanese artist. But we loved the train garden. 

Parker and Linus got comfy at bedtime in their recliner.

They helped pull veggies out of my garden.
 They acted just plain goofy. 

We built stuff with blocks so we could knock them down.

We made faces during snack time.

 We nursed Payton's first injury from another kiddo at respite care - a good bite to the arm. Ouch! At least it didn't break the skin.
 After playing outside, we were silly in the bathtub. (Daddy did it!)

 Then we had a late dinner all squeaky clean.
 After a a busy Saturday of the kiddos playing at Sarah and Joe's house while I worked at Baby Fair and riding in the Owl Ride late Saturday night, we were all ready for a nap by Sunday afternoon.

Then it was off to dinner at Kathleen's house. Faith was nice enough to share her new book and read the babies her Clifford stories. 

We're in the middle of a busy busy week, and preparing for Payton's procedure on Monday. Hope you're all staying cool!

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