

So the past couple weeks, things have been pretty low key around our house. Not much to report (until we started our latest rounds of illness this week, ugh). Here's some of what we've been up to lately-

We've both been trying to cram into the rocker in our room.

We dodged hail stones and had dinner by candlelight after they knocked out our power.

                                              We went swinging in the park.

                           We picked fruits and veggies out of Mom's garden.

                                               We learned to like Oreos.
                                          Fell alseep with our bear on the couch.

                                              Ate ice cream with Ma-Maw.

Since we aren't feeling good, we're going to be spending the weekend at home playing, watching football and and playing in the yard.
Hope y'all have a good long Labor Day weekend and have the chance to relax.
We'll catch up with everyone next week!
-PaRkEr & pAyToN

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