
1 year doctor's appointment

This past Monday we had our 1 year appointment with the pediatrician (who we love).  I was on my own for the appointment but luckily it was in the morning so everyone was still in a pretty good mood. They give us the big exam room and 3 nurses - one to ask me questions, one to strip down one baby, and another to do weight, length and head circumfrence. Since there's two of them and only one of me, our main nurse Kay asked if she could take Payton out to the desk with her. "Sure! She'll love it". The nurses had her out helping with phone triage. They laughed because she likes banging on the computer and was trying to eat the phone.

Dr. Bob came in and we did Parker first. He has lost 1lb 4oz since being sick and the antibiotics making him have diarrea before his surgery so bad and he's having a hard time gaining it back. We've upped his calories for a while to see if that helps. He's gaining in length, but his head circumference didn't grow very much in the past 3 months so we will continue to monitor that at our next appointment in January. He has also had a hydrocele but is now resolving, we have to go to surgery just to rule out a hernia.
His current stats - 17lbs 9oz, 28 inches

Then it was Payton's turn. While we did her check, the nurses took him out of the room to play.

Payton is doing fine. Most of her wheezing is gone but we have to continue the breathing treatments and steriods indefinately. She is growing. We are to continue following with pulmonology more than likely through the winter at least.
Her current stats - 18lbs 4oz, 26 inches

They are both just barely on the growth curve for their actual age, and in the middle for their adjusted age. Both babies got 4 shots and their finger poked. No one was happy! Good thing they went back to respite care and got alot of love for the rest of the day.

Now we are looking to set up their synagis shots (to prevent RSV).

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