
Our First ER Trip

Not exactly the kind of milestone you want, but there you go, we did it. First ER trip. They need to make sure there's a spot in baby books for that.

Anyway - Sunday night at 11:00 when Payton had had Tylenol, Advil and still had a raging fever that didn't want to come down, paired with some labored breathing and very high heart rate we went to Children's Hospital. It didn't help that she really had no intrest in eating and was very lethargic.

I know - why not just go to one of the hospitals that are 2 minutes away vs. Children's which is 20 minutes away? They have all of their records which the hospital docs can access and look at in an instant, all their specialists are there, and they are used to seeing people like my little ones.

It took forever - there was only 1 doctor on duty that night. Ugh. Her fever broke while we were there which seemed to help her breathing. They did a culture - no strep. Her lungs just sound like her own little crackling lungs, nothing out of the ordinary for her. She does have fluid in both ears and an inflamation of her pharynx and a bright red throat. She is still having some tummy bug issues and the anitbiotics are making her sick also. Poor little things is going to be loosing some weight this week (not what we want to happen!).

So, if anyone is bored, I have lots of clothes that need to be washed that she has destroyed one way or another in the past 36 hours. :)

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