
Seeing Pink...

Pink eye that is. Parker has it again. His eyes were a little goofy over the weekend and by Monday Morning they were full blown pink and gooey. So, we're back into another week of drops. Luckily, Aunt Bo was able to hang out with him on Monday at home since he couldn't go to respite and that way I could still go to work. Payton has somehow stayed exempt from it so far (I'm not sure how). Keeping fingers crossed that it stays that way.

And in other news...

We had a good Thanksgiving. But it was very low key. With Parker not feeling all that good and Payton just being her normal goofy self, they weren't really into all the Thanksgiving food. They were much happier with some crackers and Mac & Cheese. Oh well, there's always next year.

Payton is apparently in the middle of a growth spurt and wants to eat every 90 minutes, day or night. I think she's trying to kill me. It's not good when people at work are telling me that I look tired and sick, and I was just thinking that I finally felt 100% over my strep throat.

We got Parker's latest blood results back. He does not have Celiac's Disease. Whew. That's a load off. The is evidence of allergy cells throughout his system as evidence by the biopsies. We now have an appointment with an allergist on December 23rd to talk about that. We'll see what comes of that. And we don't have to go back to the GI doctor for 3-4 months.

That's all from twin central for now. More updates and pictures coming soon!

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